health medicine experiments on people and animals

health medicine experiments on people and animals
Animal Research FAQ - American Association for Laboratory Animal.DOCTORS AGAINST VIVISECTION Animal Research Tests.
Animal Testing Is Bad Science: Point/Counterpoint |
Doctors Against Animal Research: quotes from medical doctors. disease on live animals & humans; 'animal research', 'animal tests', 'animal experiments'. .. which aims at preservation or reconstruction of health by natural means and shuns.
Medical Experiments on Animals Mislead and hold back Progress by Harry Mather, Vegan Views. Are we making progress in improving the health of humans?
We should all remember the circumstances that led to animal testing of consume . How can we learn from medical research using animals and help humans? the results of animal research improve the health of animals as well as humans.
Alternatives to animal experiments.
Animal experiments retard medical progress due to providing misleading results . humans are animals as well so tenchinally we can test are own kind. every major medical advance of the last century - for both human and veterinary health.
Scientific methods of biological and medical research and the 3Rs.. Animal- based research cannot be extrapolated to humans because of species .. When it concerns health especially, the public has the right to information; and it is our duty.
About Animal Research in Medicine - Tulane National Primate.
50 disasters of animal testing » Vivisection Information Network.
Should animals be used for research? –